Running Code at Container Build
Autofac provides the ability for components to be notified or automatically activated when the container is built.
There are three automatic activation mechanisms available:
Startable components
Auto-activated components
Container build callbacks
In all cases, at the time the container is built, the component will be activated.
Avoid overusing startup logic: The ability to run startup logic on container build may feel like it’s also a good fit for orchestrating general application startup logic. Application startup is a separate concern from dependency management. Given the ordering and other challenges you may run into, it is recommended you keep application startup logic separate from dependency management logic.
Startable Components
A startable component is one that is activated by the container when the container is initially built and has a specific method called to bootstrap an action on the component.
The key is to implement the Autofac.IStartable
interface. When the container is built, the component will be activated and the IStartable.Start()
method will be called.
This only happens once, for a single instance of each component, the first time the container is built. Resolving startable components by hand won’t result in their Start()
method being called. It isn’t recommended that startable components are registered as anything other than SingleInstance()
Components that need to have something like a Start()
method called each time they are activated should use a lifetime event like OnActivated
To create a startable component, implement Autofac.IStartable
public class StartupMessageWriter : IStartable
public void Start()
Console.WriteLine("App is starting up!");
Then register your component and be sure to specify it as IStartable
or the action won’t be called:
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
When the container is built, the type will be activated and the IStartable.Start()
method will be called. In this example, a message will be written to the console.
The order in which components are started is not defined, however, as of Autofac 4.7.0 when a component implementing IStartable
depends on another component that is IStartable
, the Start()
method is guaranteed to have been called on the dependency before the dependent component is activated:
static void Main(string[] args)
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
class Startable1 : IStartable
public Startable1()
Console.WriteLine("Startable1 activated");
public void Start()
Console.WriteLine("Startable1 started");
class Startable2 : IStartable
public Startable2(Startable1 startable1)
Console.WriteLine("Startable2 activated");
public void Start()
Console.WriteLine("Startable2 started");
Will output the following:
Startable1 activated
Startable1 started
Startable2 activated
Startable2 started
Auto-Activated Components
An auto-activated component is a component that simply needs to be activated one time when the container is built. This is a “warm start” style of behavior where no method on the component is called and no interface needs to be implemented - a single instance of the component will be resolved with no reference to the instance held.
To register an auto-activated component, use the AutoActivate()
registration extension.
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
Note: If you omit the AsSelf()
or As<T>()
service registration calls when you register an AutoActivate()
component, the component will only be registered to auto-activate and won’t necessarily be resolvable “as itself” after container build.
Build Callbacks
You can register any arbitrary action to happen at container or lifetime scope build time by registering a build callback. A build callback is an Action<IContainer>
and will get the built container prior to that container being returned from ContainerBuilder.Build
. Build callbacks execute in the order they are registered:
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
.RegisterBuildCallback(c => c.Resolve<DbContext>());
// The callback will run after the container is built
// but before it's returned.
var container = builder.Build();
You can use build callbacks as another way to automatically start/warm up an object on container build. Do that by using them in conjunction with the lifetime event OnActivated and SingleInstance
A long/contrived example in unit test form:
public class TestClass
// Create a dependency chain like
// ==> 2 ==+
// 4 =+ ==> 1
// ==> 3 ==+
// 4 needs 2 and 3
// 2 needs 1
// 3 needs 1
// Dependencies should start up in the order
// 1, 2, 3, 4
// or
// 1, 3, 2, 4
private class Dependency1
public Dependency1(ITestOutputHelper output)
private class Dependency2
private ITestOutputHelper output;
public Dependency2(ITestOutputHelper output, Dependency1 dependency)
this.output = output;
public void Initialize()
private class Dependency3
private ITestOutputHelper output;
public Dependency3(ITestOutputHelper output, Dependency1 dependency)
this.output = output;
public void Initialize()
private class Dependency4
private ITestOutputHelper output;
public Dependency4(ITestOutputHelper output, Dependency2 dependency2, Dependency3 dependency3)
this.output = output;
public void Initialize()
// Xunit passes this to the ctor of the test class
// so we can capture console output.
private ITestOutputHelper _output;
public TestClass(ITestOutputHelper output)
this._output = output;
public void OnActivatedDependencyChain()
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
// The OnActivated replaces the need for IStartable. When an instance
// is activated/created, it'll run the Initialize method as specified. Using
// SingleInstance means that only happens once.
builder.RegisterType<Dependency2>().SingleInstance().OnActivated(args => args.Instance.Initialize());
builder.RegisterType<Dependency3>().SingleInstance().OnActivated(args => args.Instance.Initialize());
builder.RegisterType<Dependency4>().SingleInstance().OnActivated(args => args.Instance.Initialize());
// Notice these aren't in dependency order.
builder.RegisterBuildCallback(c => c.Resolve<Dependency4>());
builder.RegisterBuildCallback(c => c.Resolve<Dependency2>());
builder.RegisterBuildCallback(c => c.Resolve<Dependency1>());
builder.RegisterBuildCallback(c => c.Resolve<Dependency3>());
// This will run the build callbacks.
var container = builder.Build();
// These effectively do NOTHING. OnActivated won't be called again
// because they're SingleInstance.
This sample unit test will generate this output:
You’ll see from the output that the callbacks and OnActivated
methods executed in dependency order. If you must have the activations and the startups all happen in dependency order (not just the activations/resolutions), this is the workaround.
Note if you don’t use SingleInstance
then OnActivated
will be called for every new instance of the dependency. Since “warm start” objects are usually singletons and are expensive to create, this is generally what you want anyway.
Lifetime Scopes
Registering an IStartable
or AutoActivate
item with something other than SingleInstance
or InstancePerDependency
may not work the way you expect.
For example, if you register using InstancePerLifetimeScope
, this does not result in a new startable running in every lifetime scope you create. The startable will instead run on container build only.
Further, you can’t use IStartable or AutoActivate with named lifetime scopes. Registering with a named lifetime scope won’t start the component when the named scope is created; instead it will yield an exception on container build because the named scope doesn’t exist.
static void Main(string[] args)
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
// This WON'T WORK. You'll get a DependencyResolutionException when
// the container tries to start the component because the named lifetime
// scope doesn't exist.
If you need to start something in a particular lifetime scope, you need to register it with that lifetime scope at you create the scope (i.e., in the BeginLifetimeScope
static void Main(string[] args)
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
var container = builder.Build();
using(var uow = container.BeginLifetimeScope("unitOfWork", b => b.RegisterType<Startable1>().As<IStartable>()))
// The startable will have run.
Build callbacks will work both at the container level and scope level. They’ll run at the level in which they’re specified.
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
c => Console.WriteLine("This happens when the container is built."));
using var container = builder.Build();
using var scope = container.BeginLifetimeScope(
b => b.RegisterBuildCallback(
c => Console.WriteLine("This happens when the scope is built."));
Where possible, try to get away from startup logic: The ability to run startup logic on container build is really convenient, but a DI container is about wiring up your objects, not orchestrating application startup. It’s a good idea to keep these concerns separate whenever possible.
Order: In general, startup logic happens in the order IStartable.Start()
, AutoActivate
, build callbacks. That said, it is not guaranteed. For example, as noted in the IStartable
docs above, things will happen in dependency order rather than registration order. Further, Autofac reserves the right to change this order (e.g., refactor the calls to IStartable.Start()
and AutoActivate
into build callbacks). If you need to control the specific order in which initialization logic runs, it’s better to write your own initialization logic where you can control the order.
Avoid creating lifetime scopes during IStartable.Start or AutoActivate: If your startup logic includes the creation of a lifetime scope from which components will be resolved, this scope won’t have all the startables executed yet. By creating the scope, you’re forcing a race condition. This sort of logic would be better to execute in custom logic after the container is built rather than as part of an IStartable
Consider OnActivated and SingleInstance for lazy initialization: Instead of using build callbacks or startup logic, consider using the lifetime event OnActivated with a SingleInstance
registration so the initialization can happen on an object but not be tied to the order of container build.